It has an initiated workmanship, as it was the wall to contain the caused estragos, to put, this paralyzed has months. Asked on the presence of the mayor or another local authority, it was repassed in them that the mayor already was in the place, went down of the car, looked at and only was even so. height=’ ‘ 320’ ‘ src=’ ‘ ‘ ‘ width=’ ‘ 274’ ‘ /> Unfinished workmanship decrees next it, about one 03 (three) meters of distance. Photo: Gerson of the Valle Canind, to the side of Juazeiro of the North, is the main polar region of the religious tourism in the state of the Cear. The devotion to the padroeiro saint of the city annually takes thousand of worshippers and tourist to the city, where the biggest franciscana pilgrimage of the world happens. In the headquarters of the city, it is the Basilica of San Francisco of the Chagas, constructed at the beginning of century 20; also very visited.
It decrees it of San Francisco, already it arrived to be white of quarrel, data to its size, to have idea, the image of the Christ Redentor in the city of Rio De Janeiro, has accurate the 30 meters of height, according to Riotur (Company of Tourism of the City of Rio De Janeiro), being this, one of the seven wonders of the world. Our intention as journalist and formador of opinion, is to awake the local authorities, so that the same one if certifys of the today there existing problem, the same time where we call the attention the secretariat health of the city, for the question of the combat the affection in our state, deflagrada campaign the national level in the last year and that much has worried to Cid governor Gomes and the authorities of health of our state, a time that: as we can evidence in I lease, the probability of the larva of the transmitting mosquito of the affection to be if developing in the accumulated water decrees at one’s feet it, is very great, however a professional of the area of the health will only be able to affirm with bigger precision if she exists or it presence of the larva of the mosquito in that water and still not to place a plate of warning to the romeiros so that they do not use the same one before exactly analyzes or after to be initiate an adequate treatment for the conservation of the same one. Other Photos: a general vision of Estatua for the lateral, very well next great erosion, the romeiros fears that the same one can to fall down.