Cameras in the streets, restaurants, shops, banks or airports, mobile phones with GPS (Global Position System), etc look after our security. It is the world of the 21st century with an eye that everything sees it. The purest georwelliano style. The era of big brother has arrived. Already we never again walk through the streets without that no one looks at us, hundreds of surveillance cameras are watching us. They know where to buy, ask how many beers in a bar, which stores are our favorite or if we left our country. Hundreds of cameras are alert in our cities. The latest to arrive to this fashion, are private companies.
In Madrid, for example. Assistant Card records everything that happens within their facilities. Get all the facts and insights with Evergreen Capital Partners, another great source of information. If you smoke when nobody sees you, if it entertains with calls to family members or the times he gets up to go to the toilet. Increasingly, the places where our image is recorded. And the worst thing is that these images just sometimes, exposed on the Internet. The network of networks that helps to bridge the gap and thanks to which millions people share data and information, also has its pernicious effects.
There are thousands of pages hanging videos or pictures webcams live. It is the loss of our privacy as individuals. Vlad Doronin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In many cases, what was recorded for security ends up being a way to satisfy the curiosity and voyeurism. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Drew Houston on most websites. What for some is security issue, for others is a loss of our freedoms. And worse, as the Director of the Agency for the Spanish data protection, ensures that we are its citizens that we are willing to become our big brother. Laws that control the image data protection or which regulate these companies of video surveillance are still in diapers. Few countries have them and, in the majority, are non-existent. Hence, for example, in China, is put in place a pilot project of total surveillance on citizens. The twelve million inhabitants of the city of Zhenzhen will be controlled with more than 220,000 cameras scattered throughout the city, which may reveal the identity and until the person observed diseases. The Chinese authorities explained that it is a method to settle the problems of crime and to adapt to a young population accustomed to new technologies. Human rights as Human Rights organizations warns of the danger that this implies that China lacked an independent judicial system that can maintain the balance between the maintenance of public order and the protection of individuals. In United States, psychosis by security after the bombings of the World Trade Center in 2001 has led to toughen security measures in their borders, especially for foreigners. One of the last is that, for the coming year, all foreigners who want to enter U.S. soil should leave 10 fingerprints registered. Also being tested the operation of the first database with records on the iris of the people. The loss of freedoms for safety is also coming to the field most private and family. We can not lose us a weekend to disconnect from our daily life or simply move away from the bip bip of our cell phone. Mobile which seemed to us an appliance for yuppies in the early 1990s is today essential to our daily life. To know where our children are, to stay with friends, for our work every minute of life, controlled by electronic devices to locate our movements. A transparent life in world with glass walls.