The Administrative Formation of District created with the denomination of Santana of the Bag, for the provincial law n 773, of 06-06-1867, subordinated to the city of Cabrob. For the provincial law n 924, of 25-05-1870, the district of Santana of the Bag passed> to call Leopoldina. Raised to the category of village with the denomination of Leopoldina, by the provincial law n 1464, of 16-06-1879, was desmembrada of Cabrob having been its Headquarters installed in 19-04-1880. The municipal law n 3, of 13-03-1896, creates the New Land district which is annexed to the Leopoldina that was raised to the condition of city with the same denomination for the state law n 991, of 01-07-1909. (Documents of the City).
Some printed matters and clippings of periodicals of this period show that Cabrob, Willow, Bodoc, Granito and Serrinha disputed the area of the city of Leopoldina and counted on influences politics of Recife. She was necessary to create new cities with the feio of the first government of Getlio Vargas, through the governors, at this time, the mayor of Leopoldina was Antonio de S Snows, intendant indicated for the governor of the state. For the state Decree n 314, of 27-06-1934, the city of Leopoldina was extinct, being its territory distributed for the cities of Granite, Salgueiro and Serrinha. In dated territorial divisions of 1936 and 1937, Leopoldina still appeared a small part of what it was, with this name, but as district, in the Granite city – Foot. For the state decree n 92, of 31-03-1938, the Granite city started to call Bodoc and the district of Leopoldina started to appear in the Bodoc city. Raised again to the category of city with the denomination of Leopoldina, for the decree state law n 235, of 09-12-1938, desmembrado of the cities Bodoc and Serrinha, came back to be Headquarters in the old city of Leopoldina, constituted of this time of 4 districts: Leopoldina, Venice, Icaiara and New Terra. .