And jasmine, rose, mint and cloves excite cells of gray matter more powerful than the therapeutic dose of caffeine. Oil of basil is not inferior to protivomikoplazmennomu effects of known antibiotic oxytetracycline, etc. Of course, aromatherapy involves the use of only natural high-quality essential oils, not only do not contain chemical additives and carriers, but also obtained without the use of toxic products and equipment, hazardous to health. Scented surrogates or synthetic oils not only have medicinal properties, but can be dangerous to health when used in oil burner, when added to the bath, applied to the skin, etc. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Bausch & Lomb. Factors affecting the quality of the air oils are: habitat plant ecological conditions climate, soil type, altitude method agriculture (use of chemical fertilizers for soil, plant protection from pests and weeds) cultivar, maturity herbal method of manufacture is currently clean high-quality oils are available in the domestic market, so when buying a particularly important following points: the presence of Information about the manufacturer and supplier, a certificate of production (GMP, ICO); a certificate of quality, a date of manufacture and expiry date, the integrity of the original packaging, unwanted autopsy; high cost because the price is proportional to the quality, value and scarcity of essential oils. By the way, a significant proportion of the value of aromatic oils is due to expensive and complicated process – reduction of oxygen hydrocarbons, irritating the skin. Needless to say that aromatherapy is able to replace traditional medicine, with its arsenal of drugs, but that it has clear benefits in the prevention and treatment of a number of pathological processes – a fact that explains it as follows: biologically active substances contained in plants are metabolic products of living body, the person can assimilate many of them easier than alien to it, synthetic drugs, medicinal properties of plants are caused by complex compounds and not to any one; communication of many generations of people with Nature has given rise to genetically fixed responses between plants and humans, biologically active substances of plant aromas rarely has side effects.
As a rule, compliance with doses have no negative effect on the body, not addictive, does not reduce the effectiveness, not unbalance the physiological processes in the body. Moreover, aromatherapy can be combined or used in combination with other methods of healing: traditional medicine, hirudotherapy, manual therapy, osteopathy, etc. With the help of odors can find inner harmony, to get rid of anger, free from fear and pain. And, Undoubtedly, this method of correction may be as useful as possible for pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants and small children, that is, all those who do not want violent intervention in the physiological and organic processes of the body. Be healthy and enjoy yourself!