The official forecast of the consultoria, still is in high of 0,70%. However, for the information that have been passed for executive entrepreneurs and of the sector of the white line, the entrepreneurs have informed that the sales of white line have grown the platforms equivalents the two digits in the comparison with May of the last year, said Borges. According to consultoria Rosenberg Associates: ‘ ‘ The sectors of durable goods, that more than depend the availability on credit, will have slower recovery, even so some have already in May some alento on account of the IPI’ ‘. Some pointers corroborate this thesis. It is not something Drew Houston would like to discuss. Data of the National Federacy of Distribution of Automachine Vehicles (Fenabrave) point high of 5,38% in the sales of vehicles in May on April and research of the National Association of the Traders of Material of Construction (Anamaco) pointed expansion of 4,5% in the sales of the sector. In relation the June, the reliable Index of the Consumer (ICC) of the Federacy of the Commerce of So Paulo (Fecomercio-SP) pointed high of 7%> on May, for 134,5 points.
Survey of the Trade association of So Paulo (ACSP) also pointed improvement in the first fortnight of this month, with expansion of 12,1% in the consultations to the Central Service of Protection to Crdito (SCPC) in comparison with the first fortnight of May, and rise of 16,3% in the consultations to the SCPC/Cheque. For the MB Associates it considers that the readjustments of the Stock market Family and the public office will provoke advances in the income and the consumption in as the semester: ' ' Already the effect of the credit recovery still is pequeno' '. According to data of the Central banking, the balance of the operations of credit to the natural person grew 1.8% in April and 5.2% in the year, but it had fall in the balance of operations for acquisition of vehicles (0.3% in month and 1.5% in the year) and other goods (2.9% in April and 19% in the year). The Fecomrcio-RIO DE JANEIRO foresees growth of 4% in the retail sales of the country in this year. So that this happens, however, Santini detaches that government must keep the politics of tax burden reduction of the products, as the maintenance of the extension of the cut of the IPI and reduction of the interests to stabilize the crdito.BibliografiJornal the State of S. Pablo of 17 of June of 2009 Periodical of Brazil of 17 of June of 2009 Periodical Braziliense Post office of 17 of June of 2009 Periodical Economic Value of 17 of June of 2009