Banished of Rome, for reasons politicians, the personality of the poet of the Metamorphoses hardly was shaken. The isolation tax to the poet marks to it, with indelveis traces, spirit making that Ovdio created in some of its workmanships written in the exile, an atmosphere of dreams and myths where it looked to relief and esquecimento for its desventuras. Vates that it asked for that its name was festejado in the universe (in Toto Orbe, A.A, II, 739-40) had all gotten the recognition in the Average Age and the Renaissance. Some Greek actors: Anacronte Safo, Menandro, Homero and Latinos: Catulo, Tibulo, Proprcio Homero and Latins: Catulo, Tibulo, Proprcio and Verglio amongst others had celebrated the love with licentious subjects and mordacious, but, they had not suffered sanction from the Emperor. It is gotten rid thus, the reason by which only it Ovdio was punished (relegatus) in the oldness, for its poetical creation writing in youth. In it chose it to Rome if it developed as proper sort of poetry with characteristic and defined well, differently of Greece. At the time of Augustus, many poets had written books of chose, as Tibulo, Proprcio and Ovdio stimulated by the PAX ROMAN.
True the Carmen Et Error that had lead Ovdio to the banishment it is until today, a great incognito in the Latin literature of all the times. What we know is told in them in the proper workmanship of Ovdio, in the elegaca coletnea Tristia, composed of five books (libelli), one of the workmanships written in the deportation (relegatio), in Tmis, (libelli); the poet in discloses its misfortunes, its fears and its hope to them in the clemency of the friend and August emperor. He describes in pathetic style its experiences, its sentimentalismo and the expression of pain after the rupture and the separation, not only of the URBS, but mainly, of its familiar ones and the friends.