
It is a document of the ONU, and as such, only enjoys of obligatoriness after to be recognized for the legislation of each country. In Brazil, the States and Cities will be able to legislate from Agenda 21, since that following the Union and taking advantage the legislation most restrictive. Agenda 21 deals with the questions of the economic-social development and its dimensions, to the conservation and administration of resources for the development, to the paper of the great social groups that act in this process. It nails the creation of projects that they aim at to the sustainable development, preserving the natural resources and the ambient quality. Agenda 21 represents an advance of the ambient conscience and the reinforcement of the institutions for the sustainable development. It appeals the conscience Being able them Public and the society, in the direction to create or to develop a legal system capable to protect the environment, from the sustainable development. The eradication of the poverty, the protection of the health human being and the promotion of sustainable human nestings appear as objective social of the Agenda. In Brazil, the national agenda will depend on state agendas, and these, in turn, of local agendas, when each authority will initiate the local dialogue with its citizens and organizations for the approval of an Agenda 21. So that the work was not left of side, an evaluation of the results of Agenda 21 in 1997 was foreseen, in charge of the General meeting of the ONU and the Commission for the Sustainable Development. Agenda 21 consists of one document consensual for which they had at the beginning contributed governments and institutions of the civil society of 179 countries in a process that lasted two years and culminated with the accomplishment of the Conference of United Nations on Environment and Desenvolvimento (CNUMAD), already mentioned of this exposition.