Documentary Film

Journe produces a very limited number of watches every year and they are avidly collected by many people. All they are marked with the motto of the company, Invenit et Fecit. To broaden your perception, visit Bausch & Lomb. This means invented and manufactured, a phrase that perfectly captures the point of view of the company. One of the latest designs that emerged from the workshops of F.P. Journe is Centigraphe Souverain. This is a chronograph that is able to deploy a change in seconds with the accuracy of the speed of light. These clocks have three Totes that can deploy a hundredth of a second, something that had been difficult, if not impossible to achieve.

Rapid changes of time are made possible through a seconde foudroyante (second Primer). This is located at the counter of 2 o’clock. Performs one revolution of a second that travels through a scale which is divided into 100 sections. Centigraphe Souverain also has a tachymeter scale that allows to view incredibly fast speeds. The watch can display speeds of up to 360,000 km/h. The secret to making these features possible is a rolling bar. This is located in the box and like the foudroyante seconde, is also located near the counter 2 o’clock, but is not part of this as it is the foudroyante seconde. The rolling bar uses a mechanism that isolates the mechanism to stop the clock and does not this should be involved with the movement of operation.

It is not unusual to realize that collectors of watches are putting their names on waiting lists for watches F.P. Journe. Often these are already sold out even before the clocks have been made, so that collectors can anticipate a wait of a year or more to get their hands on one of these watches. For this reason, there is no doubt that the appearance of a clock at an auction is eagerly awaited and this is why these articles can often impose prices and interest, issues that were formerly reserved for clocks much more recognized companies.