Getting Fit

Platicando with my nephew, a young person of 17 years, surprised to me with this question: Since it could make cardiovascular exercises in house? I would like to have my marked muscles, regularly I do something of exercise but I do not see the wished results and I do not have much money like paying a gymnasium to me. In the personnel not much of another exercise that is not the financier, to complement our to char it, it consults to a friend mine, Octavio Perez, Central Manager Gym & Sport Suplement and Lic. in Sciences of the Act. Physics and Deporte who in its page Web approaches these subjects widely and of very accessible way. It suggests the cardiovascular training is aerobic (bicycle, to run, to swim) what it is essential to activate the metabolism of the fats, nevertheless is very understandable that by the causes that all we know (contamination, schedules and security) frequently is not possible to realise it as we would wish; for that reason to lean in equipment as the band or the fixed bicycle could very useful having be taken care of of not exaggerating with the investment in this type of equipment that sometimes gets to have exaggerated costs.

The alternative could be to buy it in shared form, invites to some friendly that have the same interest, could promote the idea between the neighbors or relatives who live close; on the other hand, fodder that to go to a center of specialized training could be very advisable, if the problem is the money, is necessary to remember that always it is possible to be negotiated, perhaps to participate from time to time in some tasks of maintenance in the premises could be a supply difficult to reject when it comes from a young person with true desire to obtain a goal. To try it can merit the pain, in these times even exists the exchange. Another quite but simple alternative would be. to be able a cord to jump. The ideal is to train by equal parts: training of musculacin and cardiovascular training. Minimum 3 days for each type of training, approximately between 1h30 and 2h, following the individual level and physical characteristics.