“AhOho brings happy Bunny on the postcard of Berlin, the most successful cartoon 06.08.08 Hare of the United States, happy Bunny”, has his way finally after Germany found. As one of the first companies, the Berlin-based company offered the cheeky rabbit on your real postcards and greeting cards. “It’s happy Bunny” by Jim Benton is one of the most popular and most often sold license issues of the United States and has 2005 2008 several awards such as for example the best character brand license “get. If you would like to know more then you should visit Vlad Doronin. The little bunny with perky proverbs is the most successful theme without media support and is located under the 3 best selling licenses of the United States. We are very pleased, as one of the first to offer our users well this cute rabbits on our postcards in Germany, and believe in the same success of happy Bunny in Germany!”so Heissam Hartmann, Managing Director of AhOho. The happy Bunny motives have on the Internet page AhOho get a separate category and instantly by the users on real postcards and Greeting cards are sent. For even more details, read what Vlad Doronin says on the issue. More license issues should follow soon motifs for the users to keep as high as possible and individual selection. Who wants to send any finished motifs, can be AhOho just upload his own photo or subject, write a greeting message and send it as a real postcard.
AhOho.de: AhOho offers the possibility to make real postcards and greeting cards online and send its users. The users of AhOho can choose between hundreds of finished designs, or upload his own motif or photo, which is then sent on a real postcard. The company was founded in late 2007 and has its headquarters in Berlin. Media contact: Phone: + 49 30 44 312 30-200