Hypnosis Against Winter Depression

Modern Hypnotherapy can help to winter depression in the handle pessimistic thoughts, emptiness in the mind get Munich listlessness, January 14, 2011 -,: many people is this feeling mish-mash that overwhelmed them in the winter, well acquainted. Experts speak of the so-called winter depression. This form of depression occurs, if due to winter no longer enough daylight available and thus the body’s hormone production is affected. A lack of serotonin leads to depression and rarely even cravings. Including physical activity and daylight lamps have proven as effective countermeasures against winter depression. The latter give off a light, very similar to that of natural daylight from the color spectrum from. The supply is faked so the user by daylight, which can lead to a stabilization of hormone production. A step in the right direction, offering but not always a cure or relief.

For some people, daylight lamps, work for others, they cause no noticeable improvement. In some cases, the use of psychotherapy is indicated. A particularly powerful method is the so-called Hypnotherapy. The Hypnotherapy represents a hybrid of classic psychotherapy and interventions from hypnosis. By working a can – improvement with inner images and inner dialogues in many cases quickly during the winter blues. How exactly, explains Sidonie Carstensen therapist in Hypnovita Germany-wide provider of hypnosis sessions and training. Our hypnotherapeutisches concept of treatment of winter depression is on two pillars. Firstly, we work in the actual hypnosis session with strength-giving, based on suggestions.

To the other and that the more important part is actually in my eyes we teach our clients a very efficient manner of self hypnosis. With self hypnosis, each client has the opportunity to go by it may be significantly easier, even in a State of trance the emotional gravity in a lightness to turn.” A thorough, medical diagnosis precedes a hypnotherapeutic treatment of winter depression naturally. The green light to a psychotherapeutic treatment, doctor’s amazing progress already in just a few sessions. How each method works also the Hypnotherapy not for everyone, there are also various contraindications, an experienced Hypnotherapist will be careful on that. However, the Hypnotherapy enjoys a reputation as a designated brief therapy: This means that, in many cases, considerably fewer sessions are needed than in some other occupations of psychotherapy. Hypnotherapeutin Sidonie Carstensen continues: “in my experience well over 70% of all clients respond with the symptoms of winter depression significantly within the first five sessions the hypnotherapeutic treatment. However it is extremely important, a psychotherapeutic treatment in close consultation with the attending physician, neurologist or psychiatrist are held to Let. The right, pronounced seasonal affective disorder, called also seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a serious disease that requires the intake of medication in some cases. This disease ‘just away to hypnotize’ does not work and is also available from any reputable Hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is not a hoax, but a serious, scientifically-based form of therapy. Complementary to a regular medical treatment the Hypnotherapy can have a powerful effect.” Who suffers from winter depression and cares for a hypnotherapeutic treatment, finds suitable Hypnotherapist through the directories of the various professional associations, such as for example the Milton Erickson society for Clinical Hypnosis or the German Association for hypnosis e.V., both headquartered in Munich. Sidonie Carstensen of Hypnovita also offers an appropriate treatment in the hypnosis Center Munich. Further information is available on the website of Hypnovita under, by email to or telephone 089-21 75 78 25 Munich, 14.1.2011 – Tanja Weigl, Hypnovita