At the same time, attempts to create such implants were made in the mid-1980s. These developments included the creation of artificial skin, wound coverings and recovery of discontinuities of nerve fibers (Yannas IV, 1982-1996). Combining these basic components of matrix material in bioplastic allowed to experiment to get very impressive results, as the river wound healing process, and in reparation towards the nerve fibers. Based on the principles of tissue engineering and the results of own research, the company OOO 'Konektbiofarm' developed osteoplastic (osteoplastic) implants for dental surgery, periodontics, traumatology, orthopedics and maxillofacial surgery – 'Osteomatriks', 'Biomatriks', 'Bioimplant', 'Allomatriks-implant'. They represent a new generation osteoplastic biomaterials obtained using the original technologies of highly purified bone collagen, bone and bone mineral sGAG component – hydroxyapatite (HA). Received bone implants have shown preclinical and clinical trials, have good biointegratsiey, resistance to biodegradation, high biocompatibility (almost complete absence of immunoreactivity of the recipient) ability to perform well and have osteoconductive function expressed osteogenic potency in fixation and bone grafting. To date, the company OOO 'Konektbiofarm' capable of producing the next group implants for reconstruction of bone defects used in oral surgery, periodontics, traumatology, maxillofacial surgery, orthopedics and neurosurgery, 'Bioimplant' – granular osteoinductive and osteoconductive biomaterial osteoplastic (bone implant) on the basis of xeno-scleral collagen, bone xeno-HA and bone xeno-sGAG (developed by OOO 'Konektbiofarm.
"Usage: dentistry, periodontics, implantology, maxillofacial surgery – osteoplasty, osteosynthesis). 'Biomatriks' – osteoinductive and osteoconductive biomaterial osteoplastic (bone implant) on the basis of bone xeno-collagen and bone xeno-sGAG (developed by OOO 'Konektbiofarm. "Usage: dentistry, periodontics, implantology, maxillofacial surgery – osteoplasty, osteosynthesis). 'Allomatriks-implant' – osteoinductive osteoplastic biomaterial (implant bone) on the basis of allo-collagen and bone allo-sGAG (developed by OOO 'Konektbiofarm' together with the VCO CITO them. Priorov. Application: dentistry, periodontics, implantology, maxillofacial surgery, traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery – osteoplasty, osteosynthesis). 'Osteomatriks' osteoinductive and osteoconductive-osteoplastic biomaterial (implant bone) on the basis of bone xeno-collagen and bone xeno-sGAG, xeno-HA (developed by OOO 'Konektbiofarm' together with the VCO CITO them.
Priorov. Application: dentistry, periodontics, implantology, maxillofacial surgery, traumatology, orthopedics, Neurosurgery – osteoplasty, osteosynthesis). See David Karp for more details and insights. For the above-mentioned biomaterials osteoplastic no counterparts, although for comparison with a stretch can cause materials such as company Allograft SerMed, USA (demineralized bone human tissue in the form of particles of different sizes), AlloGro company AlloSource, USA (demineralized bone human bone in the form of 'crumbs' of proven osteoinductive activity) and the company CapSet LifeCore, USA (demineralized bone man in a composition with calcium sulfate). Significant differences of these implants is that they do not preserve the structural organization of bone tissue, containing multiple antigenic factors and sGAG them weakly available to the cells. Thus, the company OOO 'Konektbiofarm' currently developed advanced technologies for the main components of the connective (bone) tissue, which contributes to the further development of new field in medicine and biology of tissue engineering.