
Stop. or the right to say Wake up melee fight stopy.V affected stamping kick or knee in the care of niz.Srednee a force on this area leads to a strong pain-oschuscheniyam.silnoe a fracture of the foot. Shin. Engage in self-defense in front shin should be part of it, in the very places where the bone is not covered myshtsami.Slabye strikes cause bruises, abrasions, cut. The average exposure causes painful , Incapacitating the opponent for 2-3 seconds (by the standards of the real battlefield is a very long time).. Strong (especially if you bounce a little before impact) leads to fracture of bones with open bleeding and rupture myshts.Porazhaetsya soccer kick. Knee. -The most painful place on nogah.Etot joint by nature very slabyy.Dazhe neochen strong impact in self-defense leads to serious (fracture, dislocation, displacement of the joint with a gap ligaments)..

A heavy blow on the knee in any way make the enemy with any invalidom.Koleno affected by any of his kick. In general, legs easier to hit than, say, a head, people are used to protect t.k.golovu from childhood into fights shkoloy.Nepodgotovlenny for man can not adequately respond to the attack on the legs, remove the leg from the attack line or put a block. Groin.: Every man knows that the weakest attack in this area leads to strong pain and oschuschscheniyam displays the enemy out of action for quite some time. Medium-strength shock leads to a semiconscious state, painful blow shoku.Silny cause internal bleeding, and in some cases, death (if you do not have timely medical care.) amazed elbows or legs below his hand forward (if the enemy is worth to you face.) A man from childhood protects his groin, so that such attacks take place after a distraction opponent (eg a blow to the eye). The lower ribs. These are three pairs of non-united with a backbone rebra.Slabye attacks directed from bottom to top or side, knocked the breath, are not allowed to fight the enemy effectively.