Liberating Revolution

In 1953, another one of the foreign intellectuals who as much contributed to the study of occurring Argentine connection irrescindiblemente of American occurring, that is to say: Salvador Canals Frau in its book the indigenous populations of Argentina, illustrated with maps of the continent, as different ethnic groups were the vital support of the space identified like Bolivia, and as the spaces of those ethnic groups made contingency not covered by law, to the political divisions that many attribute to the schemes of the impregnated English diplomacy of masnicos contents. Two years later, in the austral summer of 1955, before the coup d’etat known like Liberating Revolution, the constitutional governments of Argentina and Bolivia, had signed the Treaty of Economic Union, that reaffirmed the Treaty of complementing suscripto in 1947.nterin in 1949, had been inaugurated the railroad which it united to Yacuiba with santa Cruz of the Mountain range, nails occidentalizador of the Bolivian East, railway line that looked for the Madeira river and that she was one of the consequences of the adjustments of pacification to the war that the states of Paraguay and Bolivia, they freed between 1932 and 1935. In that instance the Brazilian government assumed the commitment to construct the railroad between Santa Cruz of the Mountain range and Columba. By managements of pacification of that war – that as all the conflicts in the region were stimulated by the intrawestern interests by the enormous mining resources of the same – the then Argentine chancellor, Carlos Saavedra Lamas received the Nobel prize of La Paz. The relation between Altiplano and Buenos Aires had held fast with the connection between the railway networks Argentine and Bolivian between the Quiaca and Villazon in 1925. In this saga we cannot stop mentioning the book on the ruins of the Tihahuanaco, that Bartholomew Mitre wrote in his I exile Bolivian.