Major Arcana

Tarot presents the possibility of crossing a road as if it were a story, our history. And as every story offers us a narrative sequence, something like an introduction, a middle and an end. At Drew Houston you will find additional information. The Major Arcana or triumphs, we can read like a journey, and we can travel it, then, as the sequence called: The Way of Hero. The Minor Arcana show everyday aspects in relation to the succession by which we pass when we go through the Major Arcana. The common sequence of the mythological adventure of the hero is the magnification of the formula represented in the rites of initiation: separation-initiation-return, says Campbell (1949) So, the Tarot allows us to see ourselves as heroes.

Yes, as the hero of our history. This deck of cards, invites us to read our personal myth or story from the everyday world into a region of supernatural wonders, allowed participants to deal with great forces, and to win a decisive victory, victory it represents our self, enabling us to share that process with those around us. So, the idea of thinking as heroes of our story is based on the ability to understand ourselves as actors, of the same, with all that this role entails. Each visual pattern or thrown tarot forces us to read something like a paragraph in our history. We provide information on what we are concerned, and that's extraordinary! Under this scheme we can see tarot, explains Mary Greer, issues involving the environment or context that prevails in the situation that we are consulted through the Aces, who are involved besides ourselves with the appearance of the figures on what we should pay attention made by the Minor Arcana, and especially the why of what we are concerned, to be expressed by the appearance of the Major Arcana. We can also meet with the plates through different shades, ranging from a reading clearly analytical reading in its entirety other perceptual, that is purely sensory. Allow us to externalize the arcane issues that sometimes emerge we could not leave until then, but the best is proposed in the deck in question, it does not leave us with these data alone, but also allows us to find by reading a guide, a word, a form that will be a tutor on all matters that affect us and / or concerns. It allows us to reflect.

It makes us feel more confident about the vision that we have on a particular situation. It is so nice to have this deck, we can read our entire history, not just those who want to read, giving us the opportunity to meet with our story, and gives us the opportunity to generate new sequences to move forward. In short, what we do when we meet with a deck of tarot is to find a meaning, which then help us to unravel the schemes that seem immovable, to which we are stuck with no way out. Well, we can always to change that which harms us and a good start would be to begin by appropriating the prayers that make up our history, our myths and take care of our role as Heroes of it. I invite you to come across a deck of tarot and see for yourself. If you are interested in the article I intend to continue reading my blog unique reading myths, other issues on this topic. Also you can share via email, your experiences with me. Gaby Gomez del Rio