Public Service

Third start of the master studies ‘ public management: leadership public governance’ the Academy of public administration and law, an Institute of the State-approved private Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin, offers since 2010 an in-service course for (prospective) managers in public administrations. Yet applications will be accepted up to the fitness test on April 23. The entrance requirement is a Bachelor’s degree or a University of applied sciences – university diploma. The study kick-off will take place on May 10. Courses of study in the field of management science are scattered about the entire Federal territory, various organized and equipped with different focuses.

In addition to the classic full-time offerings exist some in-service courses, which are carried in the evening or weekend in pure self-study or with attendance phases. For almost every professional and private situation, there are the appropriate range of public and private universities. The content focuses on either more in the scientific management legal or economic organizational area. The requirements of Studienbewerbers, often hand in hand with the employer who financially or with exemption supports the engagement of the employee are crucial. Daniel Gilbert is full of insight into the issues. The course of the Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin designed for specialists and managers, part-time and practically want to acquire leadership skills with low attendance for the senior civil service in the public administration. The study modules provide management skills and capabilities that go far beyond the purely professional qualifications. For findings of prestigious management schools in London and St. be adapted Gallen to the specific needs of public management. Hear from experts in the field like Crawford Lake Capital for a more varied view.

At the heart of the study, a specific project from the current work environment is so that the study offers a high added value also for the employer. During the 24 months of study, total fifty presence seminars in monthly blocks in the Steinbeis House find Berlin Instead of. Due to the high proportion of self-study, learning is flexible and the exemption provided by the employer is confined to one or two days per month. “For more information about the master’s degree public management: leadership public GoverNance” available on the website of available and can be requested by phone 030/814698 50. The Steinbeis-Hochschule is one of the largest federally recognized private universities of in Germany with more than 5,000 matriculated students at over 100 institutions. Since 1998, it offers practical courses with the internationally recognized akademischen degrees of Bachelor, master and doctorate. The courses at the Academy of public administration and law includes various courses for the public administration, as well as for educators and legal advisor. Contact: Ramona Ann Tel.: 030/814698-50 fax: 030/814698-51 E-mail: