We take more drugs so from now on, work longer and more intense, train longer and more often, or find ourselves gewissermassen trapped in ever-lengthening and lingering time ABschnitten in the dream land of imagination, the Internet or television. In the first time, applied replacement fabric also acts as was previously required. In the form that we disconnect us by application of the same by our emotional contact our neediness and us thus the whole process of the VerdranGung, appears as a solution as being caused by pain and suffering. In the course of the development of addiction, which is now accompanied by a constantly anwachsendes suffering arises the need for strong and not much later, the urgent need for change. And already, this change only with the actual fixing of the UrsChe is to achieve, what in this case as a solution to just just not apply, which includes not take the unconditional renunciation of the substitute.
In the natural”addiction history are but you can already sagen in a file of the creative creation” sought constantly for other ways of change, because the obviousness of the renunciation having due to increasing dulling of Sensibilitat as not real is considered relevant. The change consists in General especially in vary, replacing the type of addiction and in controlling the amount and frequency of use. Here is clearly to realize that although the urgency and efforts to change is not to deny, but in no way the cause of all is changed. But only a Manipulieren of symptoms and thus influence the cause is invited by changing the effect. This test is similar to a competitor who starts the race at the finish and running towards home, without a to wishing that this is unacceptable and keinesfalls leads to the desired destination. Instead of the addiction as such to look at and than to admit State, is attempting by affecting the addict behavior almost backwards a positive influence on the addiction, which is cause to take.