Whitening Teeth

To achieve a beautiful snow-white smile very often necessary to bleach the teeth. There are many ways to whiten teeth by the most elite and expensive health down to the simple folk who can be done at home. Many in power availability means people prefer, but before whitening teeth at home they need to prepare pre-strengthening enamel enamel strengthening, eating calcium-rich natural dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also use calcium supplementation in tablet and rinsing the mouth with a solution of tea tree oil. Click Tumblr to learn more. The most common folk methods of teeth whitening at home are: – brushing your teeth with toothpaste, with the addition of baking soda (not more than 1 time per week) – teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide, teeth cleaning wood ash or charcoal – to apply the mixture on the teeth of strawberries and strawberry or lemon juice. To maximize the effect of teeth whitening folk remedies should observe the following requirements: – following procedures to rinse your mouth with warm water – do not use soft drinks, strong tea and coffee – no smoking.

The duration of whitening teeth at home-from several weeks to several months Depending on the speed of onset of the desired effect. However, the cheapest ways to whiten very high risk of damage to tooth enamel, leading to increased tooth sensitivity and increase the likelihood of tooth decay. Therefore, the most secure in bleaching teeth at home using whitening toothpastes, brush your teeth but these pastes to prevent damage to the enamel dentists recommend no more than 1 mesyatsa.V dental clinics are professional teeth whitening methods, which include teeth whitening with a special gel, teeth whitening and Zoom laser teeth whitening system. The last two procedures are quite expensive (from 500 to 2000 U.S. dollars), but they provide the most rapid and safe teeth whitening. Source: Journal of Beautydream.ru.