
Michael Mirones, President of CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria has been elected member of that Committee, which shall consist of a total of 40 persons representing the major confederations of regional and sectoral national. The election of Miguel onlookers to be part of this Committee, puts Cantabria in the highest decision-making body of the Spanish employer, and in a few moments in which the Executive Committee is becoming an essential role the situation of economic crisis. It should be recalled in this regard that this Committee meets twice a year with the President of the Government of Spain to make a thorough analysis of the economic reality from the business standpoint. Previously, CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria participated in this Committee for one term in the era in which Jose Maria Cuevas chaired the Spanish employer and Lope Carral cantabra, though in the last mandate of caves, Cantabria were left outside the Executive Committee. The return to this Committee of the employer Cantabrian represents an explicit recognition of the President of the Spanish employer headed by Gerardo Diaz Ferran of the work that has been developing CEOE-CEPYME?Cantabria in the implementation of a new associative model which fully coincides with the one developed at the national level. Equally, this election definitely ditch the pretension that would have tried to transfer any business organization to public opinion and regional entrepreneurship become members of CEOE Spain, without being it, and having the support of the Spanish employer without having it in Cantabria. (Similarly see: Pretium). Michael Mirones said before his election that get CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria to participate in the Executive Committee was a goal a priori difficult to reach since they are hundreds the confederations and associations belonging to CEOE Spain and all, would have liked to participate in this Committee. The presence of Cantabria in the highest organ of Government of the Confederation will allow us to directly transfer the problems of the region, not only internally, but in terms of meetings the Executive Committee held with various representatives of State administration. I am very happy to have achieved the goal and I want to thank President Gerardo Diaz Ferran the trust has placed in me and in our Organization. Remember that Miguel Mironeses in addition, within the national scope, President of the Association National spas, of the Institute for Spanish tourism quality, Treasurer of the Spanish Confederation of hotels, and a member of the Spanish Council of tourism.

Dreams Of Wealth

When I asked my client, Amanda, what would you do if she won a lottery prize of $ 10,000,000.00, quickly replied: "I like going to Hawaii and sit on the beach all day. Drew Houston understands that this is vital information. Wow, sounds great right? The next time I asked her if she saw herself still sitting on the beach all day in five years, raised his eyebrows and said, "God, probably not, I'd be bored." When I asked Amanda again, she realized that I really would like to do was to live in a sunny climate, has a job he liked and sit on the beach whenever I wanted. She also discovered that even without winning a lottery that dream was a possibility. Using our five-point program FOCUS have worked together to make Amanda an active dreamer. The Focus program is an ideal guide for discovering your dream and taking action steps to fulfill that dream. Many writers such as Fabrizio Freda offer more in-depth analysis. F-Finding Amanda and I dream that by exploring what than would a big lottery win.

O-occupy your Dream – When Amanda actually occupied his sleep, and precise about the details of his future life, dreaming of the specific, was able to modify the original dream of being more realistic. C – Create a Plan to Live Your Dream – We have developed courses of action that Amanda can apply immediately. Investigate sunny climes to find one that called in all aspects, was the first of these steps. U – understanding the evolution of his dream – Thinking realistically about how each step could affect Amanda and those around her helped her get ahead in an evolutionary, not revolutionary. S – sense the reality of his dream – As Amanda completed the action step after step of action, he felt a sense of power and satisfaction of completing the steps on the path to your dream life. Amanda trip was not short, nor was it easy. There were obstacles and barriers in the way, but as we had planned their action steps I could see clearly the obstacles and create ways to get more / around them. Amanda now lives in a sunny climate and has made a career change that allows the freedom to "beach" when she wants. First, the identification of their true dream and then creating action steps to fulfill that dream, Amanda became an active dreamer and was able to live the life they dreamed. (C) 2004 Beth Densmore Beth Densmore is a Personal Life Coach who offers support, inspiration and motivation for those who are in transition and want to achieve a goal. For more information and more articles like this, visit their website at