Medical Discharge

Conditions of the patient, 67 years old, made impossible received a transplant and October 12, opted for the implant. In Europe and EE UU about 6,500 people have benefited from this technique. The surgery of the Hospital service 12 October has implanted a permanent artificial heart successfully. The operator is Pedro Antonio Perez Garcia, 67, who has been discharged on Monday. It is the prime beneficiary of this type of intervention in Spain.

More than 6,500 patients in the United States and Europe have benefited from this system with a few superior clinical results with respect to other devices, reducing the risk of infection, thrombosis and hemolysis – rupture of RBCs or erythrocytes-. The patient suffered from a dilated cardiomyopathy – heart muscle was not capable of effectively collapsed-, due to a prior heart attack and not was heart transplant candidate to present simultaneously non-reversible renal failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – COPD-moderate. Their functional status before the intervention was limit. After the operation he stayed four days entered and he was transferred to the plant of hospitalization of Cardiology, where he initiated the mobilization, rehabilitation and learning the operation of the device being discharged within 30 days of the implant. Details of the device the device used in the October 12 consists of an axial flow pump powered form electromagnetic and composed by a pump, cannulas of input and output, and a control unit. This pump drives the blood from the apex of the left ventricle – the tip of the heart – to the aorta. The turbine that contains rotated at a speed of between 6,000 and 15,000 revolutions per minute and can provide 8 to 10 liters of continuous flow per minute.

The entire device is located inside the patient and just one cable crosses the skin to connect it with the control unit, which operates through the mains power or two batteries that allow you an approximate autonomy of 12 hours. Once implanted not accurate calibrations or subsequent technical adjustments. The conditions of the patient, 67 years old, made it impossible to that he received a transplant. In Europe and EE UU about 6,500 people have benefited from this technique. Source of the news: the first person receives medical discharge in Spain with a permanent artificial heart

Spa Medical

In the Latin American region, the business of SPA physicians grows 100%. The most advanced country in this theme is Mexico, while Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and the Argentina are in the stage of transformation and adaptation of its clinics medical or clinics. When we speak of aesthetic medicine, we associate this to a frio-frivolo concept and only consumer for high status. On the other hand, the marketing strategy in the medical SPA is that it is associated with harmony, health, beauty, relaxation and an ambienteadaptado for different treatments, from a body, passing through areas of hydrotherapy, wet and dry sectors. Since the medical SPA, we can seduce customers who would never enter a query of aesthetic medicine, how much more habits takes the consumer of a SPA treatments, more approached to apply for other treatments that may be doctors.

There are several doctors who fail to understand how to locate within the umbrella of a SPA The first medico.Lo that should do is to know that this business combines Medicine, aesthetics, beauty and fashion, is a whole that because customers who traveled for the Day SPA know they are places suitable for achieving a better quality of life, and in a very close stage may use medical treatments that are offered there. The improvement of standards of living, coupled with aggressive marketing of beauty, us returns, for example, not be overweight, feel and have a young picture and carefully, remove and treat stress, our flawless skin, this makes both men as women ask for beauty treatments. The International Medical Spa Association, describes clearly the medical SPA as an establishment in which you can receive therapies, relaxing and revitalizing traditional or alternate, in addition to therapies with drugs or surgical techniques, always performed or indicated by general practitioners or specialists, apart from offering, as a minimum, a variety of hydrotherapy which is the essence of the SPA. The medical SPA they are different and usually have some sort of trend, as aesthetic medicine, anti-aging medicine, physical medicine, bariatria, dermatology, plastic surgery, internal medicine, etc. This, on the basis of its founders, often taking advantage of the positioning of a brand recognized in the market and the creativity of its menu of medical SPA. Doctors in Latin America should not be outside of this multidisciplinary concept that enriches the horizon to develop medical knowledge which, no doubt, are in the vanguard, and will surely bring with it great professional and economic satisfaction.