Dental Prophylaxis

Keep in old age pension healthy teeth dental prophylaxis is so easy! Twice a year take the professional tooth cleaning and regular checkups at the dentist to complete, perform daily, careful oral hygiene at home, ensure a healthy tooth-friendly diet, seek to a healthy immune system and all-round serving dental prophylaxis is already completed. What might first listen to after much effort, is easily done in everyday life, and above all it’s worth: in dentistry, we know that it is possible today to keep his natural teeth in old age. Provided to invest a little effort for a great result. Almost no one likes going to the dentist. Most patients fear the diagnoses tooth decay or gum disease. Many are afraid of foreign technology, the unusual smell and many feel “included” the practitioner on the dentist’s Chair.

Even the professional tooth cleaning is not by Any perceived love. Even if it does not hurts, it is considered nevertheless sometimes uncomfortable. For all these worries and fears dentists we understand! Dentists on a common together with their patients are trained in advanced practices. Is entered on its fears, it is treated in addition explains instead exclusively. The painless treatment can be performed thanks to new methods and gentle medicines and for people with anxiety or even phobia, we help in the first step with the treatment under sedation or general anaesthesia and in subsequent steps in the professional fear reduction.

Today’s dentistry is not a pure treatment medicine, it is a treatment in which the dentist achieved the best healthy and aesthetically beautiful with his patients together. Even if many damages can be treated today gently and thanks to restorations replaced by caries or periodontal disease, goes the way of thinking of modern dentistry in prevention and possible long tooth preservation. A good dental prophylaxis can the teeth and gums protect so extensively, that complex tooth replacement is not necessary! We remove tartar and enjoyment – and food stains what we can offer you as dentists with professional tooth cleaning (twice yearly recommended).