
His own will; you want to the spirit that has lost the world, wants to win his own world. I have shown to three metamorphoses of the spirit: how the spirit becomes camel, the spirit how leon, and finally, how the spirit becomes child. Nietzsche is a good experience for those who come from the tropics with temperatures ranging between 30 to 40 degrees centigrade, the challenges of the current climate which presents Europe in the present, especially in the country that concerns us as Italy, most in the North where the temperature this year has fallen to 18 degrees below zero, and touched me in Parma and neighbouring places, such as Bologna, where the snow has made his appearance, with his white cloak covering streets, rooftops, mountains presenting a very interesting landscape. I decided to go to visit Bologna at one hour of Parma by regional train and go into everything that encloses this active, dynamic city. As is it reminds us, Bologna is soaked in history and so it is said, was founded by the Etruscans, with the name of Felsina. Later, the city became the Roman colony known as Bononia. tml’>Francisco D’Agostino. Bologna the learned: the city retains its reputation for cultural city from the time of the Romans (Marcial called it the cultured Bononia), when he was one of the main centers of the via Emilia. In the Renaissance, Bologna became a center of culture and one of the largest cities in the Papal States.

Bologna became one of the most important trade centers of Italy. Part of the taxes charged to merchants was used to pay teachers at its famous University. It is estimated that 100,000 of the 800,000 inhabitants of Bologna and its metropolitan area, are students of this important and historic University is located in the Po Valley, at the foot of the Apennine mountains, at the confluence of the Valley of the Rhine and Savena, near the city of Modena.


It is a document of the ONU, and as such, only enjoys of obligatoriness after to be recognized for the legislation of each country. In Brazil, the States and Cities will be able to legislate from Agenda 21, since that following the Union and taking advantage the legislation most restrictive. Agenda 21 deals with the questions of the economic-social development and its dimensions, to the conservation and administration of resources for the development, to the paper of the great social groups that act in this process. It nails the creation of projects that they aim at to the sustainable development, preserving the natural resources and the ambient quality. Agenda 21 represents an advance of the ambient conscience and the reinforcement of the institutions for the sustainable development. It appeals the conscience Being able them Public and the society, in the direction to create or to develop a legal system capable to protect the environment, from the sustainable development. The eradication of the poverty, the protection of the health human being and the promotion of sustainable human nestings appear as objective social of the Agenda. In Brazil, the national agenda will depend on state agendas, and these, in turn, of local agendas, when each authority will initiate the local dialogue with its citizens and organizations for the approval of an Agenda 21. So that the work was not left of side, an evaluation of the results of Agenda 21 in 1997 was foreseen, in charge of the General meeting of the ONU and the Commission for the Sustainable Development. Agenda 21 consists of one document consensual for which they had at the beginning contributed governments and institutions of the civil society of 179 countries in a process that lasted two years and culminated with the accomplishment of the Conference of United Nations on Environment and Desenvolvimento (CNUMAD), already mentioned of this exposition.


We need to create our children with more security and, for this, we need to join forces in the direction to attract the society to acquire knowledge it of that the violence can destroy families and provoke a great evil for all the population. But, she is necessary to define what it is violence and as manifest it if in the social seio. It is of if knowing that the violence has different aspects and in diverse circumstances. The lack of dialogues between parents and children, inside of house, for example, can provoke violncias that go to leave pra are and to reach those directly that is next; friends and relatives. In the school the violence is transfigurada can be occulted in each face, in each gesture, since most innocent to more the chemical preparation. Some they go to say that the school has commitment with everything this. She is clearly that the school must preserve for the physical and moral integrity of the pupils of the side of inside, but it does not have responsibility with the nature of each one. The school is a sociability environment where all have rights and mutual duties, monitored pedagogically, in order to promote the education as form to search the knowledge. She is necessary to value the life from the family so that the children and the adolescents are prepared for promotion of the peace, in order to in common bring comfort and security for the life. We need, also, to protect the school before it if really transforms into an empire of the violence.

Incubator Home

making your own incubator for reptile eggs can be a good way to avoid the high costs of purchase incubators and achieve yet a good hatching rate, if you know what you’re doing is. Here I will be giving some step by step instructions on how to create a nursery of reptiles at home, from the purchase of equipment to lay eggs. The majority of the people shopping list thinks that they will save money by making your own incubator, however, if you do not already have much of this equipment at home, costs may begin to increase. Try to assess the amount you’ll need to spend in advance, because it may be better to buy an incubator in some cases. You will need: A refrigerator of polystyrene with a lid that close bienUna mat heat more or less the size of the base of the fridge (which need two for larger projects) a termostatoUn thermometer (who may prefer more for larger projects) an indicator of humedadUn controller of pencil or a tornilloUn plastic cup or a bandejAlgunas thick pieces of interlocking (optional) where to find equipment if you buy foods frozen for your reptile it is likely that was sent to you in a cooler of polystyrene which can be used as the shell of your incubator. It can also visit local stores of pets or gardening with Aquarium departments centers and ask if they have any coolers replacement who would be willing to give him (which they receive fish in these and in general only throw them). Reptile shops will have heat, thermostat, thermometer and humidity gauge, mat if you don’t have any spare, but shop around for the best deals, since they can be costly. I think that the majority of people will have a pencil out there somewhere. You can purchase store plastic cups or simply use a pot of yoghurt in plastic or something similar.