making your own incubator for reptile eggs can be a good way to avoid the high costs of purchase incubators and achieve yet a good hatching rate, if you know what you’re doing is. Here I will be giving some step by step instructions on how to create a nursery of reptiles at home, from the purchase of equipment to lay eggs. The majority of the people shopping list thinks that they will save money by making your own incubator, however, if you do not already have much of this equipment at home, costs may begin to increase. Try to assess the amount you’ll need to spend in advance, because it may be better to buy an incubator in some cases. You will need: A refrigerator of polystyrene with a lid that close bienUna mat heat more or less the size of the base of the fridge (which need two for larger projects) a termostatoUn thermometer (who may prefer more for larger projects) an indicator of humedadUn controller of pencil or a tornilloUn plastic cup or a bandejAlgunas thick pieces of interlocking (optional) where to find equipment if you buy foods frozen for your reptile it is likely that was sent to you in a cooler of polystyrene which can be used as the shell of your incubator. It can also visit local stores of pets or gardening with Aquarium departments centers and ask if they have any coolers replacement who would be willing to give him (which they receive fish in these and in general only throw them). Reptile shops will have heat, thermostat, thermometer and humidity gauge, mat if you don’t have any spare, but shop around for the best deals, since they can be costly. I think that the majority of people will have a pencil out there somewhere. You can purchase store plastic cups or simply use a pot of yoghurt in plastic or something similar.