Periodontal Care

In ancient times was limited to removing the patient's dental tooth. Now this area of medicine is developed so that even you can not save the tooth is one of the many ways that is an opportunity to put replacement. Modern dentistry is absolutely painless. In addition to medical and surgical procedures in the oral cavity, modern dental offices and clinics offer services for bleaching and installation of special ceramic plates (veneers). In recent years, has become very popular procedure for whitening teeth. (A valuable related resource: Tumblr). Teeth whitening can be done in or homebrews mostly in dental cabinet.

In the latter case we speak of professional video. Giving whiteness by using a special system Zoom: gel applied to the tooth surface, and then it light or laser for an hour. Snow-white smile, depending on the characteristics of enamel patient is kept for 3-4 years. White teeth you can get at home, wearing a mouthpiece for some time with whitening gel. The disadvantage is that the mouthpiece should be worn for quite some time, but such a system is cheaper. Of course, a beautiful smile is nothing if dental health is poor. The most common of all dental diseases is tooth decay. It occurs as a result of bacteria that are on the surface of teeth.

Factors contributing to the reproduction bmikroorganizmov act violating the rules of hygiene for oral and general reduced immunity. Stage of the disease is characterized by the depth of destruction. Start caries does not cause pain. over time, affected the deeper tissues of the tooth. And if you delay a visit to the doctor when the presence of discomfort during chewing of food, the tooth can cause pulpitis, ie inflammation of the connective tissue of the tooth (pulp). Another rather unpleasant and common oral diseases is periodontitis. Unlike tooth decay, which attacks the teeth of people of all ages, periodontitis brings misfortune only to people of mature age. This disease is manifested bad breath, bleeding gums, shaky and changing the position of the teeth. The defeat of periodontal occurs against a background of non-compliance of oral hygiene, malocclusion, tooth and gum diseases, metabolic disorders. The disease is a major cause of tooth loss. So before you perform manipulations aimed at restoring or creating a beautiful smile, take care of dental health. Do not forget about prophylactic examinations and daily Half tooth brushing.