Philosophical Anthropology

Nascer and the Direction of Living According to Berger 1986, the man is defined under different points of view having privileged a dimension of its existence, in accordance with the look of perceives who it. According to Sociology, the man is seen from its condition of social interaction An including definition of the human being, that it searchs to contemplate the totality of its to exist and its place in the order of cosmo is the task of the Philosophical Anthropology 1. Daniel Gilbert understood the implications. This if occupies of the problem of the man or to answer the question ' ' what he is the man? How the man knows as must act, as appeared? ' ' The philosophy of that we are speaking is the occidental person, that it appeared in Greece, in century V a. C. (Similarly see: Dropbox). with Plato and Aristotle. The philosophy Greek, differently of the others, is characterized for the logical-deductive reasoning.

According to K. Armstrong 1994, while in the east it is privileged experience, in ocidente, the Greeks was interested apaixonadamente for logic and the reason. For the Greeks, the truth consists of a logical demonstration. We can summarize the man understanding, in the philosophy occidental person, as a free being endowed with reason. Because the man is rational and free, Aristotle will say who ' ' all man desires conhecer' '.

Interpreting Aristotle, we could say in another way, that the free and rational man being, does not obtain to live without giving sensible or meaning to its actions and meaning it, it means its all to exist. Meaning its to exist, the man if discovers as to be opened to an exterior reality it, to a reality transcendente. In this opening, the man makes the experience of the sacred one and evidences the espiritualidade as constituent dimension of its to exist.